This is Angela’s first visit to the home, as our regulation 44 consultant and immediately, I can see I significant improvement in the level of critique and recommendations within this report. Angela’s insight and attention to detail is going to be of significant benefit to our homes and enable us to further develop our services.
Responsible Individual - Private Home
The current independent visitor monitors the progress and well-being of the children effectively. Visits were carried out virtually but have now returned to on-site. The reports are detailed, provide challenge and drive improvement.
Ofsted Assurance VisitPrivate Chidrens Home
Monthly visits to the home by an independent person have identified improvement areas. These have been actively addressed by the management team and, over time, there has been a clear improvement arc.
OFSTED ReportPrivate Children's Home
I would like to thank our Reg 44 Visitor for the monthly input she has within the home. Her comments, guidance and feedback are proving to be very useful, helpful and resourceful.
Registered ManagerPrivate Childrens Home
A strength of the home is the quality of the independent visitor
s report. The pertinent issues are identified with good challenge and accountability of the manager.
OFSTED Inspection ReportPrivate Children's Home
The external monitoring visits have the potential to contribute to improving practice if the managers act on the findings. The visits offer challenge and scrutiny and provide a balanced view of the home.
OFSTED ReportPrivate Children's Home
An independent visitor provides a comprehensive report on the running of the home,
identifying the pertinent issues and making clear recommendations to aid
compliance with the regulations.
OFSTED ReportPrivate Children's Home
This was my first Regulation 44 visit in and I genuinely found this to be a very useful experience especially as a new manager.
New Registered ManagerVoluntary Sector Childrens Home
This report is a balanced record , the Reg 44 visitor maintains her the professional challenge in relation to the management and running of the home.
Responsible IndividualPrivate Childrens Home
'The registered manager appreciates the increasingly effective external monthly monitoring, which she says gives her useful critical challenge to improve.'
OFSTED ReportLocal Authority Children's Home
It has been refreshing to have an independent person visit the home and support management. Staff on duty felt the inspection has reminded them of their job role and expectations.
Registered ManagerLocal Authority Childrens Home
The pre-registration support we received played a massive part in our successful registration with Ofsted.
ProviderPrivate Childrens Home
This first Regulation 44 report is a very thorough document that gives clear information about the lived experience of young people alongside our compliance with statutory duties and responsibilities.
Responsible IndividualLocal Authority Childrens Home
Having independent external supervision has helped me to focus on what I need to achieve both as a manager and with my team.
Registered ManagerPrivate Childrens Home
I found the training thought provoking, it really made me think about how I work with young people and what I am trying to achieve.
Building Positive Relationship Training Private Childrens Home Residential Support WorkerPrivate Childrens Home
What did you enjoy most about this session?
Was interactive, thought provoking and made role feel less isolated. Came away from training with lots of reading and ideas. Time passed quickly as was all relevant and useful discussion. Trainer made group feel relaxed and able to be open and honest on areas not confident in. Thank you
Responsible Individual Training Surrey County CouncilSenior Manager
What did you enjoy most about the session?
Improving my knowledge which I will be able to implement within my work and improve practice.
Private Residential Childrens Home - BirminghamDeputy Manager
What did you enjoy most about the session?
The facilitator! Plus all the knowledge and experience she brought and how to think about your role from a different angle.
Responsible Individual Training Surrey County CouncilSenior Manager
Great training and really helpful to develop my pratice.
Private Residential Childrens Home - BirminghamRegistered Manager
Thank you I feel well informed
Private Residential Childrens Home - BirminghamHR Manager
Angela, I found my supervision positively challenging this month and I was left reflecting....
We discussed lots of different aspects regarding the trials and tribulations of children’s homes and the issues that we face. I find your insight and experience really useful
Registered Manager - Childrens HomePrivate